Friday, December 27, 2013

My Story and 30 Day T25 Update

Here is a little information about myself. I am a wife and stay at home mom to two kids. My son Wyatt is 2 years old and my daughter Ella is 6 months old. When I had my son the weight pretty much fell off over night it seemed like but that was not the case this time with my daughter. I didn't even gain as much weight this go around either. I had a c-section with both of my children so I couldn't exercise for the first 8 weeks. About a month after I had Ella I decided I needed to try something to take the weight off. . So while I was waiting on that time to pass before I could exercise I decided to try weight watchers. I lost about 4 pounds in the first month. It felt great losing that weight but I felt like I was constantly obsessed with what I was eating and counting points. I thought that there had to be something easier out there for me to do and that is when I stumbled across a blog that talked about Beachbody and Clean Eating. I started following it and finally contacted this person who is now my coach and mentor about joining her fitness and clean eating challenge group through Beachbody! In the challenge group I learned exactly how to eat and when to eat along with working out with T25 five days a week and only 25 minutes each time!! It took a week or so to get used to everything but I saw the results immediately! In the first 30 days I lost 9.5 pounds and a little over 7 inches! I couldn't believe how quickly I saw these results and how easy it really was. I am still going strong and am almost approaching Day 60 and will post those updates at that time. I now have my confidence back that I lost long ago!! I can not wait to help others get their confidence back!!!

"It doesn't matter where you begin as long as you get started."

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