Friday, January 3, 2014

My T25 Progress Update

In 60 days I have lost 16.6lbs and lost a little over 14 inches total!!

The day that I took my 60 day results I had a little bit of a break down. I'm not going to lie I cried a little bit. I wasn't crying because I was sad but because I was proud. I actually started something that I had tried many times before but this time I COMPLETED it. I kept reflected on what was different this time? In the beginning of the challenge group we are asked to write down our "why". Why we wanted to be in this challenge group and commit to this?

This was my "why":
 I am doing this challenge so I can find myself again! I have always been self conscious of the way I looked even when I was thin in high school. I get so involved in taking care of my husband and kids that I seem to put myself last. I want to do this for ME!! I want to feel confident about myself for once in my life! I want to stick with something and make it a lifestyle change for me and my family.

In 60 days, I have not only changed on the outside but I have changed on the inside as well! I don't feel self conscious anymore, I am doing something for me and I stuck to it through the end. Now I have added another "why" to my list and that is to help others feel this way too! I want to help people figure out what their "why" is and help them accomplish it. 

 This was an awesome experience with an amazing support system from people that started out as complete strangers from all of the United States! It is so nice to have these people supporting you because they know exactly where your coming from. We are there to cheer each other on and hold each other up when we feel like we are falling. I am so happy that I decided to step out of my comfort zone and make this commitment. I accomplished my 60 day goals and tackled my "why"! 

Are you ready?

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