Friday, April 4, 2014

3 Day Shakeology Cleanse

I had been eating not so well the last couple of weeks...I had just gotten off track. So I decided I needed a jump start to get back on track! I talked with one of my girlfriends and she decided she would do a cleanse with me! The cleanse helps get rid of the toxins in your body and fat. It helps jump start your weight loss too!

We started the cleanse on Monday and ended it Wednesday night. it was a long 3 days but totally worth it!! We drank 3 shakes a day for the first day but the 2nd and 3rd we just drank 2 a day and replaced the 3rd shake with a piece of fruit! You aren't starving yourself like most cleanses you still get to eat dinner! I had never been more excited for grilled chicken, salad and veggies!! By day 3 I was excited to have finished my last shake!  

After this I felt so much better!! I definitely shrank my stomach because when I went to eat on Thursday I could hardly eat very much!! My friend Kayli lost 3.7 pounds and I lost 6.4 pounds!! Not to shabby for 3 days!!! 

 I decided I will do a one day cleanse every Monday! It is a great way to kick off the week!! Don't do the cleanse more than 3 days in a row and I would suggest doing it only once a month! 

If you would like to do a cleanse I have kits available!! Just comment below, message me through Facebook or shoot me an email!!

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